What is holistic therapy and why might we need it?

photo-grand canyon     First of all, we have to remember that we are so much more than just bodies or minds.  Each of us is a combination of physical body, psychology, emotions, neuro-transmitters, memories, vibrational frequencies and genetic history to name just a few things that make up the most complex living system in the world.  And at times, this system needs a service.  Disease should really be called dis-ease, where the system quite simply is separated from ease.

    At some point in our lives we will experience trauma, injury and illness and the body can hold on to the memories of these.  They may begin in the womb (it is a proven fact that a foetus experiences many sensations) or during the birth process and many patterns in our lives can be connected to these events.  Different parts of the body are affected by different events and while we may not be aware of them our bodies are: they hold on to negative experiences without necessarily meaning to.  Sometimes the negative effects do not make themselves known at the time, but may appear later on in many forms, perhaps as tension, pain, addiction, neuroses, behaviour problems or illness.  If symptoms are ignored or traumas are repeated, they will keep making themselves known in some way or another.

     Much of our trauma and dysfunction occurs through imprinting, which happens during our time in the womb, during the birth process or perhaps as childhood trauma or abuse.  Things that perhaps can’t be consciously remembered are held within the body or mind and can have a huge impact on us.  Holistic therapries can be safely given to pregnant women, and can even be given to the baby in the womb, as in Cranio-Sacral Therapy.

     Holistic therapies work with the person’s natural energies to reach the causes of issues and not just the symptoms, thus releasing the need for those symptoms to be there as the system no longer needs to call out for help.  They work in various ways, often using vibrational frequencies, addressing important issues that include cellular memory, holding patterns, traumas etc. – in fact anything that can disrupt the body’s natural abilities to heal or correct itself.

     With holistic therapy, the whole system has the chance to respond to the healing energy being offered to it, and it will do so in whatever way it feels is most appropriate at the time.  We actually have very clever systems that respond very well to vibrational frequencies being introduced to us.  If you can’t imagine this, then think how differently two rooms in a house may feel when you walk into them, or how you automatically like one person but feel uncomfortable with someone else.  You are picking up vibrations and your own are responding.

     Treatments generally take place with the client lying on a couch, but if they prefer to sit, then this is fine.  Clients remain fully clothed, however they will be asked to remove anything that may make them less comfortable or make treatment more difficult, such as belts or jewellery.

     In all treatment sessions, I connect with the client’s vibrations and focus on what I feel is appropriate for my client at that time in order to obtain the best results.  No two people are the same and treatments can be different from one session to another as the person progresses.  It is very important that I work according to how I feel is right.  Only a person’s inner self at the deepest levels really knows what is causing problems.  It is not for me impose my will and even the client may not know the real base-line cause behind the symptoms.  Our inner selves have remarkable and sometimes strange ways of getting us to address our issues.  It is up to us to acknowledge, trust and listen to them.

          On the other hand you may just want some time out for yourself, have someone give you some time to relax more deeply without having to talk or do anything, or maybe just try something new that you might enjoy.

     Everyone receives the same attention without judgment or prejudice, and I work without bringing religion or cultural beliefs into my practice so all treatments are impartial.  

